Senin, 15 Juli 2013

love Moot

Struck inside me when I know I love you
But when I find beautiful, all of it was false hope
You're giggling and happy away from me with a new replacement
I watched, in silence, frozen
At that moment I realized that I was not happy but a different flavor
Unlike that I love you, but you ruined it all
Jealousy is normal, but with you it was incredible

I cried silently in my heart, because I know you is not got love for me pobud
I should know happiness is my cheerful
it replaced somehow cheerful
Replaced with something that I think it's jealousy or envy

Let me Enough of all this
My feelings, my memories of you will be my belt and my back again .. you and all of us
For me love is a mistake
And it's only mistake I belong to a

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